
Showing posts from April, 2024

Everytime. Only me?

Adulthood is a strange thing

Welcome to hell kid

I had such high hopes for the day.


Good Luck, Buddy

I was lied to by the Internet!


Just reddit being reddit I guess.

best decision of my life


Someone had to say it

And then everyone responds by mocking you and using skull emojis...


The only non-greedy video game company

Waterworks every time

You're gonna be a star


I mean…pretty based

Dem lats, tho

The missing vision of the Apple Vision Pro

I have CPS on speed dial.


Straws can be made from seaweed without hurting anyone

I'm cooked

Now that video game adaptations are good.


Alright big man in the sky take me away

The gravity of the situation

A-Am I going insane?!

Relatable IRL

Resource allocation goes brrr

How would you prove to an alien that you're conscious without also proving that Als are conscious?

How the turn tables

They are evolving faster than humans

"All the trans women I know are so strong and resilient"

What do they want me to do?

i got tired of waiting so i made this meme myself.

Every time

I think that covers it

Choose wisely

scientists.. explain, please!

Perfect game logic!

dumb ways to die

Maybe she's from Canada and was just being polite

My age is showing

Works every time

Roll tide

Who'd win?

Please, stop updating the UI