
Showing posts from February, 2023

Such a simple time man

The only correct opinion on earth

Upsides of Diabetes

That’s really gotta hurt

Luckily I’m safe, it's gonna starve

What have you been up to, Kenny

7/11 is dangerous after midnight

You’re never too old for arcades

Send help

wow, thanks pops!

Made for each other

And this year I will repeat


Nice bro! enjoy those extra 3 NPCs and few more blades of grass!

frankenstein is the real monster

curse you random thought

Choose your words wisely

Well, that was a lie

Can we have "the talk",son

"Hmm.....that's a good one"

Theres only one correct way

i was looking at old computer files, and found this gem

Destroyed in seconds.

I'm commenting not criticizing

They're just laughing at us now

Absolutely Not

What are we gonna tell em

Based on a true and awkward story

What a time to be alive


Gotta be more specific

The English language is a mystery to some people

Worth it!

Everywhere I look

As a sister of three brothers, I empathy them

Step 1: Don’t bully your own fucking children

Just like real life


The different types of knives

Yes, very interesting

what seems to be the officer, problem?

Where did the simpler times go?

Big fax

Real ones know

They Couldn’t Handle It

P i c k T w o

Relationship Goals in right direction

People getting mad over nothing

P i c k T w o

I mean…what?