
Showing posts from December, 2022

I didn't know who he was until people wanted to cancel him which made him more famous.

Happy New Year (almost)! 🥳

Wrong Answers Only


shut up please about andrew tate

just Saying

Is that normal?

Imagine all of them in one film

If she’s a number on the clock…

Come on pay respects to a legend passing away

What’s in the booooxxxxx

ladies and gentlemen, we got him

Who else is this old 😂

Completely out of the loop

Hold up

what he meant to say was...

Appeal or Bimbows/Meteoroid

Because reddit has removed Livestreams

I would never...

and she's winning this fight

He (w)ate outside 🤣

Question time


Christmas Trauma

Blue vs red like usual

only "🗿" is accepted.

Somehow she gets tired

I have gone almost my entire life not listening to music. I almost guarantee if you recommend a song, I haven’t heard it before. So go ahead, give me a song to listen to. I’ll listen to each and every single one commented (under like 10 minutes)

It’s cool

It is a hill i’ll die on

The archives!

Bad guys with patience

Turned himself into a pickle, funniest thing I’ve ever seen

This took me too long to get


Trivia! Which country am I from?

Cold take

I have the underground

21 can you do sum fa me .

This is partially a meme and partially hoping someone explains it

Call an ambulance

Oh got no please 💀

Be Chad This Holiday Season

nothing hurts More


I'm religious and I agree. Others too?

Movie trilogies in one meme

teachers, i salute you

OSHA laws don't apply during lunch break

Ah shit, here we go again.