
Showing posts from June, 2022

Technoblades never dies!

didn't see that coming

Technoblade never dies

What's the designer's name again?

What the hell? Why do the best people always die young?

We have all been there.

Western world basically

Dont ask who please


a historic tragedy

Life isn't fair

is it just me or what ?

Pay extra to have fun.

What are the tracks on this album?

for your next argument

The power of words

“Close the blast doors”

With a splash of Choccy Milk

Pass me the popcorn

Pass me the popcorn

Literally 1984

I mean, he’s not wrong

polar opposites.

Giveth and taketh away

why is this so true lol

i'm kinda nervous

Holy shit

insert title here

reality is often stranger than satire

Now is definitely the time to celebrate

well what is it?

No no no he got a point

Target acquired

Too cute...

You're just as beautiful as the day I first watched you

Hehe I’m in danger

Hello people of Reddit. You may have heard of our Minecraft server, dankmemescraft. We are expanding to more then just mc, and we're rebranding into more general gaming. We will have game servers on multiple games, you can find out all about it in the discord linked in the comments.

Every time

Go back to sleep tbh lol

Prove me wrong

Damn, I missed the fight…

I'm making piss

Mah man needs a ride

Go Big Or Go Home

A Clean Sweep

My friends say I might get diarrhea but I'm a spice-hardened Indian.

Let’s confuse some people

friends with benefits

The only acceptable response.

Be not afraid...