
Showing posts from March, 2018

We already knew that

Let It Rain

Go sit your pretty ass down somewhere 🙄😤

Are Snapchat story memes worth investing in?

I found this format, buy or sell?

The meme has gone meta. Invest carefully.

I foresee "Steven's Advice" memes to be potentially profitable. Invest


Kill him. Kill him now

Som cute yeehaw shit

Don't act like you know what you're talking about smh

Cat ears

Me Irl

Those buns are THICC 👀

f*ck or being f*ck, such is the law

An interesting title

He won’t be laughing when he kills you

It keeps me awake at night

Spare some change?

Dr Beats

What do you mean you removed them?!

Wasting the day away

Accurate 👌🏻

Star Wars memes

Food packaging


Uh yeah...sure..🦅🍃

I see great returns on this investment for this weekend with a steady decline after Monday

Live life to the fullest!

My Timbs do not define me

Save a life, surrender your knife

I'm not... mature

Yeah, that's about right

believe it!

Very true

Same here

Seems legit to me

Who would've thought!

Wait til you hear me rev the engine

One day in Paris

High for this

And I cant even get a text back smh.

Got some value?

Something's Up

What a nice photo

Happy Easter !

Commissioner: "So, you know what a cat looks like, right?" Artist:".. yes."

Imagine a world without George Bush

Scientific Roast
